There is a lot of great coffee in this ‘hood blog post


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Over at the blog for the restaurant /settlement house 3030 they have a great article of the Coffee offerings in the Junction, great post it is, and this blog is thankful that someone did a post of the offers of the stuff in the Junction. We could not as having never tasted coffee. The only missing item in the blog post is Kofy-Sub the original made in the Junction coffee.


You can read the blog post over at the 3030 blog by clicking here


AND 3030dundasstwest on another note


The proprietors of this place have created something of a fabulous restaurant and bar and a tweety bit cafe and a lot settlement house meeting place. Can you find this great mix in Toronto anywhere else? Probably not. You can find it in Boundary at Shoreditch, in East London created by the great designers and restaurant maker Terence Conran.


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