Dogs, are there that many in the Junction area?


Until recently a dry cleaners and laundry This store on the south side of Dundas St West, just east of Quebec Ave, is becoming a doggy daycare.

Are there that many dog sin the Junction?


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  1. dave says:

    I would have loved that space to become something ‘useful’. People go on and on about how they don’t want a Tim Hortons and this sort of thing opens up.

    The old candy store location would make a perfect spot for Tim Hortons.

  2. Hotmush says:

    We’ve got five coffee shops on a strip three blocks long. Do we need a Tim Hortons?

  3. Theirry says:

    Tim Horton’s is a metaphor for something more viable.

    • Junction Resident says:

      I’ll try to remember that it’s just a metaphor the next time I order a double-double.

  4. rerun says:

    I guess this business is depending on the High Park and Bloor West Village Dog Owners. I was pretty surprised when I saw another Doggie DayCare as well.

  5. David says:

    It looks like Groom Pet & Sports at Bloor & Kennedy is leaving (building for sale, owners retiring), so there might actually be a market in the west end for a regular pet store. There’s a good new pet supply place at Annette & Quebec, but they don’t stock tropical fish or small animals. At least, not yet.

    • Theirry says:

      Aqua Tropics & Scales and Tails have that covered David (outside of cats and dogs) at Keele & Dundas

  6. Sonny P says:

    wow you guys are grumpy 🙂

  7. Rodger says:

    I hope this doesn’t reignite the debate about a leash free zone in Baird Park.

  8. A.R. says:

    Dogs are popular in general. There should be plenty in the Junction area.

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