When the Junction lost this restaurant, the baby went out with the bath water.

Really the blog should have ate there more, truly missed is the wonderful restaurant that is Rawlicious. So good is its fare and the concept that they now have a location on Centre street at number 249, in New York city.

The restaurant left when the building they were in sold, and the blog is guessing they  had short lease or a removal clause if the building sold.

This happening clearly indicates groups such as local business associations and residents associations need a business retention plan for business who must leave because of the upmarket in retail property in the area.



And in the Junction…

As it was…

Oh yes, this store moved to Bloor St W. just outside of Bloor West Village so with a little trek you can eat there.

Location:Dundas St W. and Centre St New York City … Oops the 1st ones over

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