Dollarama has permits for the old Blockbuster store


Although the Dolllarama firm will not confirm by email they are opening a store at 2890 Dundas St West, they have drawn permits from the city to do just that.






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  1. Greg says:

    An unfortunate eyesore on the strip.

  2. smodes says:

    If it’s true, I think it’s a good thing…It’s a destination store. Will drive junction traffic and present the opportunity to check out some other stores/restaurants/neighbourhood attractions along the way that they may not have known about…

  3. A.R. says:

    It wouldn’t be bad if they at least invested in some better signage than the cheap backlit white and green signs that one sees on many of their stores.

  4. Mikie Boy says:

    Dollarama Bad- cheap, low quality merchandise and an image that does nothing to enhance the area….yes, an eyesore.

    Dollarama Good – inside, well organized and well stocked stores with staff that is usually helpful and full of nick-knacks, odds n’ ends at low prices.

    BTW smodes – some of the people you might be driving to the area may not represent the foot traffic The Junction needs to prosper…just sayin’.

  5. Raymond says:

    Dollarama is today’s Woolworths or Kresge’s. (Five & Dime store was their slogan) Come full circle! As the old saying goes: “There is nothing new under the sun.” They actually are going to occupy the very building used by one of those predecessors.

    BTW If you have not shopped at Dollarama in recent times, go take a close look. They have far more name brands than ever and not everything is made in China/Mexico. They can hold their own against WalMart.

  6. Mikie Boy says:

    @Raymond… fair enough…as the price point has been allowed to rise above an actual dollar, there have been a few more name brands showing up. But agree with A.R. that the signage is tacky and I don’t think it fits into what else has been developing in the Junction.

    • Raymond says:

      I don’t see anything tacky about their sign. Do you think WalMart is any better? Just what has been developing in the Junction that is so great?

  7. Mikie Boy says:

    Walmart??? Who cares about Walmart? I take it gluten-free bread, organic meats, lattes and imported speciality cheese are not to your taste or budget but don’t pretend the changes in the last decade have not taken place. Guess you don’t read the New York Times either. They took note a few years ago. True, Rawlicious and the Arts fest have left but other things have moved in. Regard…

  8. Mikie Boy says:

    ,,,and by other things “developing”?… I’m largely talking about trendier offerings, which apparently you, Raymond, couldn’t care less about. Just because you can’t or refuse to see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Younger urbanite people do live and come into the Junction, ya know…

    • smodes says:

      Are you implying that Dollarama isn’t “trendy” enough to be in the junction?

      Dollarama brings in people (all demographics), provides jobs, fills a large empty store front with a sustainable business, provides an unmet need, etc…not sure what else you’re looking for in a “developing” neighbourhood. I’d wager that those shopping at the organic/gluten-free stores also shop at Dollarama.

      In my opinion, both can co-exist in the junction.

  9. Greg says:

    Id prefer a value village or goodwill,

    • Raymond says:

      Goodwill was in the Junction for many years but moved out/closed down long ago. Recently, a new Goodwill opened on Runnymede between Dundas and St.Clair.

      Value Village is located on Bloor east of Dundas.

  10. Robert says:

    think this is right in smodes comment,

    “…those shopping at the organic/gluten-free stores also shop at Dollarama.”

    Is the Junction ever going to become a straight retail environment for high disposable stores such as Bloor and Bay or have only the shopping clients that Yorkdale Mall has? Probably Not.

    We still have to fill out our mix of stores, to have a really community based shopping area.

    No shoe store, the best cleaners is outside the main retail drag at St Johns Rd.

  11. Mikie Boy says:

    Call them posers if you want to but a lot of the younger crowd moving into the area will not be caught dead in a Dollarama type-establishment. (Maybe for cheap balloons for a kids birthday party once in a blue moon…but on a regular basis?…uh-uh!) I’m not defending their absence or calling them out on it, I’m just saying that’s the way it is. Dollarama would find most of it;s customers coming in east of Keele, north of Dundas and up from the slew of rentals on Annette, not from the owner-occupied crowd that is coming into most of the streets in the Junction area west of Keele. It’s not their scene. They sip lattes at Crema, not double-doubles at Timmy’s.

  12. david says:

    I hope open a discount supermarket overthere.

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