The vogue of front house push-outs in Bloor West Village

Currently there are a number renovations happening in Bloor west Village that have taken to pushing out the front of the house as a method of enlarging the house.

Currently there are a number renovations happening in Bloor west Village that have taken to pushing out the front of the house as a method of enlarging the house. This is often done with a roof lift as well as rear extension and basement lowering. The grey house in the photos in this post is fully utilizing the front push out method jutting out some five feet of its neighbors main mass of building.

Cannot help from wondering what effect this will have on the visual and or spatial resolution of the streetscape if this trend continues.


Another house on the same street, using the front push out method of house enlargement.


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  1. Greg says:

    Attack of the McMansions. Basically, an (word redacted) hovel sadly.

  2. John says:

    Attack of the suburbans.

  3. A.R. says:

    It’s not very attractive when buildings don’t line up side by side along a street, and when some are out of proportion with others. So the effects of more such projects will likely be negative in terms of streetscape aesthetics.

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