Special Needs Access to retail and other buildings

Walking up tight narrow steps with a cane, using a wheel chair or for those with mobility problems who are working to be self mobile is rather difficult in the Greater Junction Area. Many people who are living with chronic conditions left from a stroke, heart attack, cancer treatment, neurological and syndromes conditions simply cannot venture for a walk on the public main streets to attend grocery or other stores. The pace of travel used by people with normal walk, gait and balance simply is too fast and there are no markings or correct ramps to assist both normal walkers and people with special needs.

Other cities in Canada have adapted their sidewalks and retail building codes to reflect the growing needs of the mobility disadvantaged. …all of these changes also work great for easier movement is strollers too!

Below a few images of a Canadian city code that has taken this need to task and planned for new and retrofit construction.




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